Using this summary and comparison of azek vs.trex, you can decide which is best for your specific project.

Recent years have seen an increase in the use of alternative building materials, especially on decks and balconies where traffic is high and visibility is high. Azek (now known as TimberTech Azek) decking vs Trex decking is a comparison we’ve prepared to help you compare two industry-leading materials.


Using recycled wood chips and pressed sawdust, Trex is a composite material made from wood chips and recycled plastic. PVC is the main component of Azek, on the other hand. While neither of these products have mastered the mimicry of natural wood to the point of being mistaken for it, Trex’s blend makes it appear more like the real thing. This rebuilt deck was built with composite decking.

Azek Decking vs Trex

Cost: Is Azek More Expensive Than Trex?

Traditional wood decking is considerably less expensive than Trex and Azek decking. When you compare Azek decking to Trex decking for an identical project, you’ll find Trex to be the more affordable option, with Azek costing 2 to 3 times as much as Trex.

Azek and Trex Deck Care

The strength of both materials is evident here! It is far easier to maintain a Trex or Azek structure than a traditional wood structure. Unlike wood, these materials require less maintenance due to their resistance to moisture and mildew, as well as their lack of the need to paint or stain regularly. Clean Trex and Azek decks regularly and avoid excessive scratches and dings to increase their lifespan.

Azek and Trex Deck Complications

Trex and Azek, like every material, have their downsides. In areas where temperature swings are dramatic, Azek is more likely to crack since it is fully PVC, making it more prone to expanding and contracting. Mildew and dirt tend to collect a little more on Trex than on Azek, and its wood fibers, which give it a natural appearance, can also make it more prone to moisture.

As a result of these two factors, Azek is often a better choice in coastal or wet environments, while Trex performs well in environments where seasonal fluctuations are prominent.

Which is Better Azek or Trex?

What is the best product for you? Climate plays a significant role in this decision. Although Trex is more affordable, depending on how much moisture your home receives, the higher cost of Azek may end up being more affordable in the long run. It doesn’t matter which product you choose, they’re both robust, stylish, and come in a variety of colors. Get started on your dream deck after you’ve made the right choice.

Emma Wilson

I'm Emma Wilson, a dedicated writer with a passion for crafting engaging content. My expertise extends to running a website offering valuable writing tips and top-notch articles. I thrive on inspiring and helping fellow wordsmiths to excel in their craft.

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