The presence of a brown spider in your home may make you feel anxious. A bite from a brown recluse can be deadly since they are native to the area. There are also wolf spiders, as you may know. Do you know what type you’ve seen? You can differentiate a brown recluse spider from a wolf spider by identifying the following differences:

  • The size. In terms of size, wolf spiders can reach up to an inch and a quarter. As for the brown recluse, it rarely exceeds three quarters of an inch in size.

  • The appearance. The wolf spider has a furry appearance, as suggested by its name. Unlike brown recluse spiders, brown recluse spiders have smooth bodies.

  • Markings. There are multiple colors on the back of the wolf spider, mostly stripes, whereas the brown recluse has only one color.

In the U.S., only the brown recluse spider is venomous enough to cause serious harm, making it extremely important to distinguish between these two spider species. While the wolf spider seems intimidating, its venom is weak and essentially harmless, regardless of its intimidating appearance.

To get a better understanding of the behaviors and habits of both types of spiders, let’s look at the details about each type.

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A brown recluse spider, a dangerous species in the United States, bites at a high rate. A bite from a brown recluse spider can be extremely painful or even fatal, depending on the severity of the bite. It is possible for people who are very young or very old to suffer from flesh necrosis after being bitten by a brown recluse. Midwest and south-central parts of the United States are home to these spiders.

Brown recluses are generally smaller than nickels or quarters. In addition to having smooth bodies and legs, these spiders also have long tails. Brown recluses are available in a wide variety of colors, including light brown, dark brown, and even blackish gray. The brown recluse has only six eyes, which is unusual for spiders, but you won’t notice it unless it’s dead. Its violin-shaped mark on its front half is the biggest giveaway for a brown recluse spider. Fiddleback spiders and brown fiddlers, other common names for brown recluse spiders, also have these markings.

Identifying what could be a brown recluse spider is not a good idea because of the risk it poses. You can identify these spiders by catching them in a sticky trap. For an accurate identification of your spiders, consult a pest control professional.

You can avoid brown recluses by learning more about their preferred habitat. This spider doesn’t build webs, which is the first thing you should know. The brown recluse hunts its prey directly rather than waiting for it to fall ensnared in a web. Brown recluse activity isn’t usually accompanied by spiderwebs. Woodpiles and even footwear left outside are ideal places for this type of spider to live in dry, undisturbed conditions. An unknowingly slipping on a shoe with a spider inside is one of the most common ways homeowners get bitten. It is very likely that brown recluses will bite when they are trapped or pressed against the skin.


However, wolf spiders are mostly harmless, despite their appearance as dangerous as brown recluses. A wolf spider has a furry, patterned back and a large size. There are wolf spiders almost everywhere, which makes them more common than brown recluses.

Despite being venomous, wolf spiders have relatively weak poison compared to other arachnids. A bite from a wolf spider feels more like a bee sting or an insect bite, instead of days of swelling and pain, which are common after brown recluse bites. Several days after the bite, the bite location may remain itchy and painful for a few minutes.

Wolves spiders commonly burrow into dense vegetation or leaf litter, so they are commonly found there. Natural environments are preferred by wolf spiders, because they can easily blend in. The most common type of home for these spiders is a preexisting hole or burrow. Wolf spiders find shelter in burrows of small animals, cracks in foundations of buildings, and well-protected places in dense vegetation.

The wolf spider is a very caring mother, unlike other types of spiders. In the females, eggs are carried right on the backs of their bodies, and the tiny chicks are allowed to live on the backs of their mothers after hatching. Keep an eye out for wolf spiders with sacs on their backs if you discover them on your property. An aggressive behavior may be displayed by wolf spiders carrying eggs.

It is more likely that you will encounter wolf spiders after dark since they are nocturnal creatures. Because wolf spiders’ eyes shine in the light, people often spot them with flashlights. You can prevent wolf spiders from entering your property by keeping your lawn and home well-maintained.

You may have other questions about common arachnids once you understand the difference between these two types of spiders. As part of this post, we will examine how to control brown recluses on your property as well as what preys on them. To begin, let’s look at how wolf spiders travel.

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Do Wolf Spiders Jump?

A wolf spider’s ability to jump contributes to its frightening nature. It wasn’t just because these spiders are fuzzy that they got their name. Spiders behave similarly to wolves in terms of predatory behavior. Spiders like these run fast and have excellent eyesight. An injected venom will be injected into its victim after a wolf spider has located its prey and pounced on it. Despite its relatively low concentration of venom, this poison can liquefy the internal organs of grasshoppers, earwigs, crickets, and cockroaches, making them easier for spiders to digest.

Besides wolf spiders, jumping spiders are another arachnid family that attacks their prey similarly. Humans are not considered dangerous by jumping spiders and they rarely bite, unless they feel threatened or held.

In addition to the brown recluse and the wolf spider, there is another species of spider with venom strong enough to affect humans: the black widow.

Black Widow vs. Brown Recluse

Black widows are iconic spiders. An example of this arachnid can be seen in the image above, which has a black belly with a red hourglass pattern, but it can also have tan, orange or white markings. It is hard to confuse this spider with any other type since it is about the size of a dime. Black widows do not need camouflage because they are so venomous. They serve instead as warnings for predators to stay away from them. Black widow bites are rare but can be deadly. The pain from a bite is usually mild at first, but it can become more severe as time goes on. Generally, it is recommended to wash the affected area with soap and water. Tetanus shots may be recommended by doctors.

Webs spun by black widows appear tangled and messy. In undisturbed corners of garages or inside boots and gardening gloves, these spiders prefer sheltered spots, including near brush piles or wood piles.

In addition to its glossy brown color, the brown recluse is slightly larger than the black widow. Brown recluses hunt their prey at night, contrary to black widows. A brown recluse spider looks rather ordinary compared to a black widow. Black widows aren’t the only spiders you should look out for. Brown recluses are much easier to confuse with other creatures. It is always better to hire a pest control professional sooner rather than later if you believe that one of these spiders lives on your property.

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What Eats Brown Recluse Spiders?

A variety of natural predators attack brown recluse spiders in the wild, including:

  • Wolf spiders

  • Crickets

  • Praying mantis

  • Robins

  • Wrens

  • Chickens

  • Spider wasps

  • Centipedes

In spite of their helpfulness in combating brown recluse spiders, these animals aren’t a cure-all. It is very difficult for many predators to get to brown recluse spiders because they are very good at hiding. If you’re considering “natural” pest control methods, you’ll likely want to keep away wolf spiders, robins, and centipedes as well. Generally, it is best to seek professional assistance in most situations. It’s important to consult an experienced pest technician to determine whether your property is infested with venomous spiders and to develop an effective treatment plan based on your goals.

How To Get Rid Of Brown Recluse Spiders

To protect their families from harmful spiders, most homeowners turn to professionals for advice. Do-it-yourselfers should also take precautions to prevent being bitten if they choose to go the do-it-yourself route. Make sure you wear gloves and long sleeves whenever you’re cleaning out brown recluse hideaways. More protection is provided by thicker materials. If you are looking for spiders in a space, use a flashlight. The brown recluse spider prefers dark, shadowy places to reside. Spiders can be seen more easily with the help of a flashlight.

Whenever you are cleaning out clutter or getting into crevices, be careful. There are a number of places where brown recluses can live, including boxes, shoes, and infrequently used furniture. Attempt to move a spider to a sticky trap later after removing items carefully and shaking out objects where spiders might be hiding.


Make sure your property is properly inspected and all hiding and food spots are removed.

Organize storage spaces and areas of the home that are rarely used inside. There are many places where brown recluse spiders can be found, including garages, attics and air ducts. Clear out any clutter that has accumulated in your closets or boxes. Spiders can be removed using a vacuum without risk of getting bitten if you see them. If you find dead insects, make sure you remove them too, to prevent spiders from having access to them.

Make sure your yard is well-kept outside to discourage these creatures from visiting your home. Natural hiding spots are preferred by these spiders. Your property will be less likely to attract pests if you eliminate brush and leaf litter on it. Spiders are also likely to be less inclined to spend time on it.

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You can set traps to monitor activity and to capture spiders that may be living in undisturbed areas after cleaning out the places they might live. In dark, unused corners, sticky pads are commonly used to trap brown recluses. Your house won’t be in danger from spiders escaping the traps.


Cracks and crevices provide an ideal entry point for spiders and other insects. Take a look around your home and see if you can find any spots where spiders may be able to enter. Seal up any you find. Other crawling insects, such as termites and ants, can also be prevented by doing this, in addition to brown recluse spiders.


Brown recluse spiders can be treated with several different types of treatments. Due to their discrete nature, it is difficult to apply products effectively to these spiders. A low-impact treatment method can be achieved by using diatomaceous earth. In order for this to work, the substance must be walked through by a brown recluse.

Furthermore, relocating one spider does not guarantee that these creatures won’t return. Despite the fact that spiders can help you control some insects on your property, most homeowners agree there are also risks associated with them. It is possible to hire a reputable pest control company to provide regular services for spider control on your property.

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Emma Wilson

I'm Emma Wilson, a dedicated writer with a passion for crafting engaging content. My expertise extends to running a website offering valuable writing tips and top-notch articles. I thrive on inspiring and helping fellow wordsmiths to excel in their craft.

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